Why did you pursue a career in the instructional design and technology field?
I wanted the opportunity to support social change and I think education is one of the best ways to do that. When we harness technology especially, we can reach even more people. What are some of your day-to-day responsibilities in your roles? Consult with clients to understand their learners, objectives, and content. Organize and adapt content, and create strategies to delivery in an engaging, interactive, and meaningful way. How have you found your jobs? What advice do you have for someone trying to find a job in the instructional design and technology field? I've found projects on online job boards, the listserv, and through networking with classmates and colleagues. I recommend staying open to opportunities, especially if they feel like a bit of a stretch for your skills and experience. In what ways did your graduate program prepare you for your career? IP&T gave me a theoretical and practice foundation in instructional design, as well as many design experiences in a comfortable yet challenging learning environment. Classes in the program as well as working with faculty helped me to get my first job which helped me improve my skills and my confidence and prepared me for the work I've done since. |
AboutLearn more about the career paths and day-to-day responsibilities of people working in the corporate sector of the IDT field! Respondents are students and alumni of the BYU IP&T program.
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