Why did you pursue a career in the instructional design and technology field?
I started out my career as a classroom teacher, but soon found that my favorite part of the job was actually planning the lessons. I got excited about finding the right materials, scoping out units, and discovering how to present them in interesting ways. I also really enjoyed my IP&T class at BYU, where I learned to make a website and run some other cool educational technologies. And I have a strong passion for the importance of teaching and learning in effective ways to build individual capacity and personal freedom. Those things combined helped me decide that instructional technology was the right field for me. What are some of your day-to-day responsibilities in your roles? Managing course production projects, building Canvas pages, administering the LMS, managing student assistants, storyboarding content, coordinating with faculty/SMEs, ensuring course quality, ensuring course compliance with copyright and web accessibility standards, answering emails from online teachers and TAs, managing media production projects, learning new technologies, pursuing professional development. How have you found your jobs? What advice do you have for someone trying to find a job in the instructional design and technology field? I honestly feel that the biggest factor in finding a job was putting myself in the correct mindset. I knew what kind of job I wanted and at what type of institution. I did my best to remain positive throughout the job hunting process, and that positive growth mindset helped me to be recognized as someone that my current colleagues wanted to work with. My employers also said they were impressed by my professional-looking resume (after all, I was applying for a design position), my knowledge and commitment to the institution's mission and vision, and my previous experience working with faculty and designing courses similar to what I would be doing at my new job. My advice is to get as much practical experience as possible during school, to display that experience beautifully on your resume and in your portfolio, to have a clear idea of what you want, and to maintain a positive attitude throughout the job search. In what ways did your graduate program prepare you for your career? My graduate program helped give me an identity as an instructional designer. It helped me build my confidence that I can design courses, gave me language with which to talk about my experience to other professionals, and helped me have the theoretical and practical background I needed to be successful in my career. Comments are closed.
AboutLearn more about the career paths and day-to-day responsibilities of people working in the Higher Education and K-12 sectors of the IDT field! Respondents are students and alumni of the BYU IP&T program.
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