Why did you pursue a career in the instructional design and technology field?
I really wanted to help support teachers and educators by creating and providing solid instruction, resources, and materials that were easy to use, helpful, and based on research. What are some of your day-to-day responsibilities in your roles? Teaching pre-service teachers how to use technology in the classroom; creating lessons and materials for teachers to use. How have you found your jobs? What advice do you have for someone trying to find a job in the instructional design and technology field? I have found my jobs through professors and contacts from my time in the program. In what ways did your graduate program prepare you for your career? I had a lot of real life experience working with real clients on multiple design projects in my program. Those experiences have helped me become a better designer which really helped me to design the course I am teaching as well as design curriculum for teachers to use in their classrooms. Comments are closed.
AboutLearn more about the career paths and day-to-day responsibilities of people working in the Higher Education and K-12 sectors of the IDT field! Respondents are students and alumni of the BYU IP&T program.
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